About us

The Debating Society of Dr. BR. Ambedkar School of Economics University was the first society that was formed at the university, with an aim to identify and nurture the listening, analytical/critical thinking, and speaking skills of the students, and create an environment of learning, dialogue, and discussion, in the university. The society was formally inaugurated on the 12th of September, 2022, in the presence of the honorable Vice Chancellor, members of the faculty, and the students of the university. 

Core Ideals: 

In essence, the debating society serves as a forum for young people who want to express themselves and learn more about various viewpoints, philosophies, and modes of thought. Essentially, the society aspires to emulate the virtues of being adept communicators as well as attentive listeners and critical thinkers. 

To appreciate the importance of utilizing convincing facts, logic, and argument. It enables them to effectively communicate their viewpoint through rhetoric. It instills strong confidence and poise in debaters. It teaches children how to gather information, arrange it, and present it in an engaging way. 

Develop speakers from scratch, give them the right tools to be able to put across coherent thoughts and be able to present any topic at any given point in time. 

We at the debating society believe that the skills that are being taught to each other in the sessions shall develop people not just good speakers, but intellectuals, thinkers, academicians, and just better human beings, who shall always stand out purely because of their ability to be able to look at different perspectives, thoughts, and ideas.