Has the Demand and Supply-side Components of Janani Suraksha Yojana Augmented the Uptake of Maternal Health Care Services among Poor Women in India ? : An Application of Hybrid Matching Technique


Tulasi Malini Maharatha, Sumirtha Gandhi, Umakant Dash


BASE University Working Paper Series 08 /2021


Financial barriers pose significant and detrimental effects on the utilisation of maternal and
child health care services. The Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) implemented in India provides
an opportunity to explore if and how differential incentive patterns augment the utilisation of
maternal health care services. This study aims to capture the impact of the demand side (DD),
supply side (SS) component and integrated impact of demand and supply side (DS) of JSY on
the utilisation of antenatal care services (ANC), facility-based delivery (FBD) and postnatal
care services (PNC). National Family Health Survey (2015-16) was used and a novel hybrid
matching technique was adopted to ascertain the effects of the program. The impact of the
demand and supply side intervention varied across regions and maternal health care services.
Compared to other regions, the performance of DD is notably high in north-east and northern
regions. DD substantially influenced the utilisation of FBD, while SS and DS had greater
influence on PNC.
Key Words: Health Behavior; Public Health ; Impact Evaluation
JEL Classification: I12; D04; I18
