How Community Institutions can Fight Corruption: Lessons from History and Theory

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Dr. Avinash K. Dixit
Professor , Princeton University

Chaired by
Dr. R. Balasubramaniam
Chairman, GRAAM, Public Policy Advocate & Social Entrepreneur

Date: 11th February, 2021

Time: 6.00 pm IST / 7.30am EST

Place: Webinar, Microsoft Teams


Corruption is a critical obstacle to economic progress, especially for middle-income countries aspiring to higher levels of prosperity. In this lecture I argue that the obstacle cannot be overcome by reliance on the government and its formal legal system, and that business and community institutions must play a vital role. I examine evidence from history and experience with anti-corruption agencies in many countries, to identify conditions important for success of such efforts. I interpret these in the form of two simple theoretical frameworks of collective action, and offer suggestions for how Indian society, and its youth in particular, can achieve success in their fight against corruption.