

i. Learning Resource Centre Students will be provided a free ‘Study Hour’ in which they will be making use of our Learning Resource Centre and will devote their time for referring to the vast pool of knowledge resources which could be classified in more than thirteen different broad categories of subjects. The centre has a collection of about 2000 books and the equal number of e-books as also learning resources online. These categories range from various subjects of Economics discipline such as Microeconomics, Rural Economics, Agricultural Economics, etc. to subjects such as History, Political Science, Sociology etc. Apart from these, there are vast resources of books which are either biographies or auto-biographies of stalwarts of India. Since this institute is not only a teaching institute but also a  research institute thus, the Centre also possess back volumes of interdisciplinary Indian journals such as Economic and Political Weekly.

Smart Classrooms: Classrooms are made smart classrooms for students comfort and providing a good atmosphere for learning.

About BASE Learning Resource Centre (Library)

BASE (Bengaluru Dr. B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics) is an Autonomous Institution of Government of Karnataka situated in Gnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore. This Institute has established a very Unique Library named as BASE Learning Resource Centre situated within the campus in the year 2017. BASE Learning Resource Centre (Library) is a startup library having 1400 unique collection of books pertaining only to Economics and allied Social Science Subjects catering more than 100 BSc (Honors) and MSc Integrated students. BASE Learning Resource Centre (Library) is a growing organism and books are increasing in its collection to encourage the students and group of teaching scholars.

The collection contains Text books in Economics and Allied Subjects, kannada language books, Reference books, Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Dictionaries in English, Kannada and German. Apart from the collection of books we have more than 400 books donated by the Scholars and Professors in the Economic and Allied Social Science fields.

BASE Learning Resources Centre (Library) will create its portal ‘EconomistsInformation’  for future Economists, which will serve as one window information search facility for Web sources in Economics and Allied Social Science community in India.
The website will have immeasurable Economics and Allied Social Science categorize by source and document types, subject categories, online journals etc.




BASE Learning Resource Centre (Library)

Note To The Students The Institute expects the students to be highly focused in academics and make maximum use of the facilities available for holistic development. No student is allowed to take tuitions privately from the teachers of this college. Exams will be conducted periodically. Attendance is compulsory and promotion will depend on their regularity. During the course of the study., students are encouraged to take Audit courses offered by the institute.