Dr. Muzffar Hussain Dar
Assistant Professor
Educational Qualifications:
- Ph. D in Economics,Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pardesh, 2024.M.A. in Economics, Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pardesh, 2017
Research Paper Publications :
- Muzffar Hussain Dar and Md Zulquar Nain: An analysis of economic stability and financial development in India using asymmetric cointegration and simulative causality tests, The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Elsevier [Accepted but yet to publish], [Indexed in Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SJR – Q1, ABDC-B, and WoS].
- Muzffar Hussain Dar* and Md Zulquar Nain: Does inflation affect asymmetrically to financial development in India? Fresh insights based on NARDL approach. International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald Publishing Company [Scopus, SJR-Q2, ABDC-B, WoS- ESCI]
- Muzffar Hussain Dar* and Md Zulquar Nain: Revisiting the financial development and economic growth Nexus: Empirical evidence from SAARC Countries. Journal of financial and economic policy, Emerald Publishing Company [Scopus, SJR-Q3,ABDC-B, WoS- ESCI]
- Muzffar Hussain Dar, Tasleem Araf Cash, Yousuf Khan, Aabid Suhail: On the Impact of Financial Development, Economic Growth, and Public Outlay on Alleviating Poverty in India. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, The Society of Economics Development [Scopus, SJR-Q4,WoS- ESCI, UGC]
- Muzffar Hussain Dar* and Md Zulquar Nain: Financial Development Convergence or Divergence Analysis on SAARC Nations. A Journal of Banking & Finance. Bank Parikrama [ABDC-C]
Papers Presented in National and International Conferences
- Muzffar Hussain Dar and Md Zulquar Nain: “Stochastic Convergence of Financial development across SAARC affiliates: New Insights based on RALS-LM and LM unit root tests with breaks”. At 5th International Harran Congress on scientific Research held on December 8-10, 2023 Turkey.
- Md Zulquar Nain and Muzffar Hussain Dar: “Financial Development and Macroeconomic Stability: Nonlinear ARDL and Asymmetric Causality Analysis on Indian Economy”. At 5th International Harran Congress on scientific Research held on December 8-10, 2023 Turkey.
- Muzffar Hussain Dar and Md Zulquar Nain: “Impact of inflation on India Financial Development: The Bounds test approach”-in 57th Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society (TIES) at University of Hyderabad in 2023.
- Muzffar Hussain Dar and Md Zulquar Nain: “Measuring the financial development: an index of two leading SAARC affiliates” at the 3rd Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC 2022) held in Kochi, India on Sustainable Development Goals in the post-pandemic period.